insert query results into files
to use the results of the queries from within markdown files i would like to insert results after a codeblock containing a query. for this i have to do some rnd first. the goal is to have a block like this
\`\`\`rs_notes(of course different name)
select file::name, file::link, tags where "test" in tags
and then under it have it insert another code block with the results like this
\`\`\`rs_notes_results(of course different name)
| file::name | file::link | tags |
| ---------- | ---------- | ----------- |
| test1 | ./test1 | test, test1 |
| test2 | ./test2 | test, test2 |
| test3 | ./test3 | test, test3 |
| test4 | ./test4 | test, test4 |
how exactly i do that i still have to find out. i also have to figure out how i want to display the tasks, and ideally have them actually be checkable and then update the original. this is probably very hard. but i'll see.
Edited by ehrenschwan